What To Do If You are Involved in an Auto Accident
1. Check yourself and others for injuries: Your first priority is to make sure that you and anyone involved in the accident are OK. Try to stay calm while the adrenaline of the accident is in your system. If anyone is hurt call 911. Injuries may be far worse that first noticed.
2. Get yourself and your vehicle out of danger. If you are not injured and the accident was minor, carefully drive your car to the side of the road so it doesn't impede traffic. Keep your hazard lights on and use hazard triangles if available. If the crash is severe and anyone is hurt leave the vehicles where they are and move safely to the side away from traffic.
3. Call 911 or contact the police. Regardless of if it is a minor "fender-bender" or something more serious calling the police is important and in some states legally required. The responding officer will fill out an accident report, document the scene and issue citations if necessary. This documentation will help process the insurance claim.
4. Collect important information. Write down as much information as you can. Including:
Full name and contact information
Insurance company and policy number
Drivers license
License plate number and expiration
Make, model & year of the vehicle
Location of accident
5. Document the scene. Record as much as possible with your cell phone. Take photos, videos and audio recordings documenting everything you can. Talk with any witness you can and get their information.
6. Do not discuss fault while at the scene of the accident. This can and will be used against you.
7. Have your vehicle immediately towed to Hardy Vehicle Designs. We work with all insurance companies and we work for you! Not the insurance company.
8. Call your insurance company. Call your insurance provider while you are on the scene or record and document the scene using their mobile app if you have one.
9. Call HVD. Let us know you vehicle is on the way. Then let your insurance company know that Hardy Vehicle Designs is your repair center of choice. Insurance companies will try to get you to use their "recommended repair center". These centers have pre-arranged agreements with the insurance company to use after market parts and rushed labor hours to save the insurance company money. You want your vehicle fixed the right way. And we will make sure the insurance company covers your car being fixed the right way.